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Incredible India :Lets have a looking on amazing facts of Indian Villages...


lets have  look on unique list of INDIAN Villages, sees to be strange but true..

1. SHANI SHIGNAPUR,  in Maharashtra.
Every home in the entire village are without Doors. 
Even No Police Station. 
No Thefts.

2. SHETPHAL, Maharashtra.

Here every villagers have SNAKES as their family members. 

03. HIWARE BAZAR, Maharashtra.

This is on of the Richest Village in India. 
More than 60 Millionaires
you will hardy find a poor  here better i would say no one is poor.
This village has Highest GDP.

04. PUNSARI, Gujrat.
This would be name as Most modern Village. 
All Houses here are  high tech with CCTV & WI-FI like facilities.
All streets are equipped with Solar Power light.

05. JAMBUR, Gujarat.

Here, all villagers are Indians even though they all look like Africans. 
This village  is nicknamed as African Village. 

06. KULDHARA, Rajasthan.
One of the Haunted village in India yes its true. 
No one lives in this village
strange A village without villagers
All Houses are abandoned. 
it is beleived that evils moves around all the day. So no body dare to go there.

07. KODINHI, Kerela.
God's Own country amazing fact KODINHI's is a village of TWINS
you will find more than 400 Twins. 

08. MATTUR, Karnataka.
The only Village with 100% SANSKRIT speaking villagers in their normal day to day conversation. 

09. BARWAAN KALA, Bihar.
Some one looking for Village of Bachelors must go there.
in this village no marriage recoreded since last 50 years.

10. MAWLYNNONG, Meghalaya.

You love cleaning then this is for your.eCleanest villag of Asia. 
Also with an amazing Balancing huge Rock on a tiny rock.

11. RONGDOI, Assam.
As per Villagers beliefs, Frogs are married to get RAINS. 

12 .KORLAI village, Raigad, Maharashtra.

The only village with all villagers speaking Portuguese language .
Many of us dont know these unique things of these places ...!!
Hope you like this information. What are you waiting for...
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