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How to make our sanitizer at home

Hand sanitizer

What is Hand sanitizer:
A antiseptic alcohol based aqueous solution used for cleaning hands removing the removing common germs or  pathogens. Hand sanitizers normally are  in foam of  gel, or liquid form. Excess use of it can damage your skin due to harmful chemicals. As exposure to skin to these chemical is not safe for our skin.
I personally recommend to clean the hands with water and soap. Its best way to clean grease dirt as well as germs too.

Use the sanitizer only in case you do not have water and soap for cleaning your hands.
Sanitizer can only kill some germs in returns leaves harmful chemicals in your hands. Excess used is not recommend at all.

 Type of sanitizers:
1. Alcohol based
2. Alcohol-free

1. Alcohol based sanitizers
These sanitizers contain between 60 and 95 percent alcohol, usually in the form of ETHANOL, ISOPROPANOL AND n-PROPNOL.
 At THE above mentioned concentrations, alcohol immediately vanish certain types of microorganisms.

2. Alcohol-free :
These are made from  benzalkonium chloride (BAC), or on antimicrobial agents, such as triclosan
Few Sanitizers contains glycerin for soothing the skin it also make the sanitizer thick.
We can make Hand sanitizer at our home with readily available ingredient easy to use.

What are main ingredients :

Its very easy to make our own hand sanitizer at home with easily available following a few ingredients:
isopropyl or rubbing alcohol (99 percent alcohol by volume)
Fresh aloe Vera gel or glycerin.
an essential oils for fragrance according to your choice for example,Lavender oil,lemon grass oil,tea tree oil eucalyptus, peppermint etc.

We must have on a 2:1 proportion of alcohol o aloe Vera gel /glycerin. This is the bare minimum quantity required to kill the germs.  


Keep all above mentioned ingredient ready at a clean and sanitized place. 
Make sure your mixing bowls and spoon or whiskers are clean properly.
Take 2 parts isopropyl alcohol or ethanol (91–99 percent alcohol)
1 part aloe Vera gel or glycerin 
some drops of essential oil as per your choice.
After mixing properly as mentioned above. Our hand sanitizer is ready to use.


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