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How would be our life in upcoming Covid-19(CD-19).

Lets see How our live  will be in the next upcoming 6 months:
Even if the lock-down ended
Now it is necessary to take these following precautions.

1. Wear Masks
2. Hand Sanitize
3. Rather Social distances, physical distance matter.
4. Will go out only when it is absolutely necessary.
5. Do not increase the beard.
6. Do not go to Salon for cutting. Do it yourself
Or the hairdresser may be called home. He masks
Be worn Get her hands cleaned. Comb,
Scissors, Bland, Handkerchief etc. All our accessories
Should be
7. Do not wear wallets, rings, wristwatches etc.
Do not wear Mobile gives you time only.
9. Enter the house without wearing shoes,Take off outside only.
10. Hands out when coming home from outside
Enter the house only after washing your feet.

If you think that you If you have come in contact with the suspect then take a full bath, Steam, drink hot brew. Whether it is a lock down or not, the next 6 to 12 months Till these precautions are very important. 

stay at home and stay


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