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Our life in COVID-19

Love in the time of Corona.

(Since we are reading enough grim news about the virus, on a lighter note here are some good side-effects of the virus:)


We always believed exams are so important for children, we could not do education without this primitive humiliating ritual on children. Today we have seen it is possible to do away with it completely. Children got promoted to the next class without any stress of an exam...nothing bad happened!

Work from home: 

Work from home is an ideal solution for the traffic and pollution problems in a city like Bangalore, but we still believed (mostly the company insisted that) it was important to drive our car, burn fuel, waste a lot of productive time and go to an office to work, every single day. But when the Virus came we figured it is possible to work from home and still get work done.


Clients who always insisted on face to face meetings just discovered it is possible to have face to face meetings over Skype. It saves travel, time, biscuits, water, water bottles, coffee, tea, on.

Shopping Malls/PVR: 

We thought malls are the best place to unwind. Shopping, cinema, food, etc. There was a FOMO if you don't rush to PVR and catch that stupid film on the first day. Today we found our home is best place to unwind. Especially when our children are around and they have no homework to do.


 We believed weddings should be grand, an opportunity to show off our social standing and wealth. Today we know it is possible to invite just 15 people and hold the event with simplicity and dignity.


 Funerals are now simple private moments for the close grieving family and close friends.

Prayers: We have learned to talk to God without actually going to a temple, church or mosque.

Birthday parties: 

OMG! We never thought our children can age without them. Today birthdays are quiet and meaningful family only events, where we celebrate the fact that our children are alive and healthy. Isn't that what birthdays are all about, unlike a competitive sport among parents as it has become?

Traffic is less:

 city is quiet, families are together, home cooking is back, children are happy, spouses are talking is love in the time of Corona.

Virus will go or not in coming days. But we can hope some of these good habits we learned will continue...and make our life meaningful and make our family bonding stronger.


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